How to install the FRN 4-IN-1?
close your pc anti-software first,very important.
1. first- install the”fordupdate1.1.1″,second- install the “truecodesetup”
2.copy the content of folder “ford crack” to the installed patch : C:XXX TrueCode ,replace the old files.,then run the FordOBD.exe,the ford software is OK now.
3.copy the content of folder “FORD CODE CALCULATOR” to the installed patch : C:XXX TrueCode ,replace the old files.,then run the FordOBD.exe,the ford software is OK now.
4. copy the content of folder” renault nissan” to C:XXX TrueCode ,replace the old files. then run the “TrueCode.exe”,the renault nissan software is OK now.
5.copy the content of folder “system32” to the windows system patch : C:\WINDOWS\system32